Middle East: Maki Igarashi and the Red Cross Middle East ...

The situation in the Middle East - Foundation public interest ...

Middle East: Maki Igarashi and the Red Cross Middle East ... The situation in the Middle East to increase the confusion. Current situation and of the Islamic society, intrinsic of the dispute. See and hear in Japan It is difficult to understand them in the only day-to-day coverage. Middle East Research Council was founded in the year, in the country of Middle East research institutions Is the organization with the most tradition. This lecturer, Kaneko like 00 Worked in the same corporation than a year, the modern Turkish politics and society is a professional. Black Sea, the Aegean Sea, surrounded by the Mediterranean Sea, from ancient times in the East and West civilization Country called the intersection], Turkey. For retaining a large number of world heritage Is a tourism powerhouse, it has been said to be pro-Japanese often. However, across the neighboring Iraq and Syria [Chrysler Very not the situation surrounding Turkey by the rise of the non-country (IS)] It has been stabilized, the only stable [in the Middle East so far And Turkey was a country] are are facing a major transition period.

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